is a multinational country within which various ethnic groups peacefully coexist. The predominant nationality is Russians, descendants of the Eastern Slavs. The culture of the Russian people is filled with great diversity, and its origins come precisely from the experience of the Eastern Slavs. The cultural code, morality, foundations and customs are the wisdom of our ancestors that has leaked out and taken root in our lives.
The Eastern Slavs are a large group of kindred nations. Today this ethnic group includes more than 300 million people. The history of the Eastern Slavs, like most other nationalities, is rooted in antiquity. The Eastern Slavs are on
The mode of life of each of the nationalities is a huge cultural layer, by virtue of which we can understand how our ancestors lived.
For a long time, the Slavs maintained a patriarchal tribal mode of life. Each tribe consisted of clans - a set of related families who lived together, owned common property and
The pantheon of gods is the main component of the mythology of all the peoples. The pagan Slavic pantheon is an unsystematized set of gods of different peoples - from the Mediterranean and Baltic to the North Caucasian and, possibly, the Urals. The Slavic pantheon of pagan gods can be...
The Slavs animated nature, believed in the existence of supernatural forces and mysterious monsters. An important place in their worldview was occupied by domovye, kikimoras, rusalki, leshies and domestic snakes. It was necessary to be able to communicate with them - after all, they could both destroy a person and rescue him from trouble.